Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Castle

Due to technical difficulties we recently had to purchase a new computer. Said computer came with a box and that box was deemed the "imagination box" by Mark. The stuff inside the box became...

Mark and Eric's castle.

I love when I see as simply trash becomes something more through the magic of their (very active) imaginations!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

So um, Creative

A few weeks ago, the boys were playing quietly in our living room and I was distracted by something else. I went to check on them and found...

Then, after a quick look around the room, I saw this...

When questioned about why they were doing this I was told that the white walls were "boooooooo-wing" and they were making them colorful. My little interior designers!

Friday, October 31, 2008


One of the moms at CubScouts had this template for an easy craft project to make bats. I love easy stuff so we made them at home for Halloween.

Eric's was green (favorite color)

Mark went more traditional and made his black.

Happy Halloween!!!


This came home in Eric's backpack this week. I love this stuff they do at school.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I've been taking Zack and Ben to this little class at our town's community center. They love it and there are stories, songs, and always a little craft. Today the theme was Noah's Ark and they did these little foam arks. Zack peeled the sticker backs off and placed the animals himself. I was impressed at how the animals were in fairly straight lines.

The coloring also interested me because he's so far only scribbled. This was a first attempt at actually coloring the images. I was pretty excited about it. Yes, I'm easily impressed!

Big Green Monster - by Mark

He came home missing an eye, but I LOVE this project Mark brought home from school!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday 10-20-08

The kids were out of school on Monday and they did some coloring and cutting. Pictures of houses are a favorite these days, Eric added lots of color to his!
Mark's smaller house & him driving a car.
I think this blog has been funny because now they are drawing like crazy and asking "are you going to put this in the blog? Can you put this in the Artsy Craftsy blog?" It makes me giggle because something about 5 & 6 year olds saying blog just makes me laugh.